Sunday, July 20, 2014

2 Weeks on the Clean Program

Well, I've somehow managed to stick with this diet for two weeks now, which is nothing short of a miracle.  Lots of bad stuff going on at work, which would normally have me running for the junk food, so I'm quite pleased with myself for sticking with it.  The good news?  I've lost 10 pounds in the two weeks that I've been on the program.

Reading the Clean Program book, people seemed to feel amazingly well while on the cleanse.  Other than losing weight, I can't say that I've felt any different.  I'm not sleeping any better.  (TMI warning ahead)  In fact, at one point, I got super constipated and had to take a laxative from the drug store.  I'm still getting headaches, though, admittedly, they feel less frequent than usual.  And my energy levels have been pretty low.

The good thing about this cleanse is that I've never really felt deprived or had major cravings.  I've had a few minor moments of being a bit bored with the plain eating and wanted to eat some junk.  But I easily resisted the urge to give in to the feelings and they quickly passed.  It's surprising to me, because I'm taking in fewer calories than I have in previous diets, but I'm not getting all the usual cravings and feelings of deprivation.  I may even carry this on past the three week mark, since it's working out so well for me.

One funny thing that has happened to me.  Normally, after three weeks on the program, you then begin to reintroduce food items like dairy, soy, grains, etc, that are not included in the program.  Well, I'm afraid to eat them again!  I'd definitely like to eat them again, but I'm afraid that if I start, I may not be able to stop again.  Dairy and breads are huge binge foods for me and I've enjoyed being able to say for the last two weeks, "no, I can't eat that, it's not on the approved list".  It's almost like I need this rigid food program in order to succeed.  To be able to include other items after this next week is concerning for me!

Heaviest weight (June 2014): 283 lbs
Starting weight (July 6th, 2014): 280.2 lbs
Current weight (July 20th, 2014): 270.2 lbs
Goal weight: 160 lbs

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